Check your
Innovation Readiness

Research shows that 7 out 10 innovation projects fail sadly. 
There’s a reason for that: most companies are simply not ready for innovation!

Wouldn’t it be great if your innovations would become a great success, instead of another failure?

Strategyzer has developed a brand-new, very practical tool: Innovation Readiness Checklist.
Start today, with these 9 easy-to-answer questions, and find out whether you are ready for innovation.

Discover Much Better Ways To Innovate

Find out where to play, with a clear strategic guidance

Allocate resources for innovation, without cutting them off halfway

Explore new opportunities, while running your existing business

Avoid innovation teams fighting for their right to exist

Bridge your innovation projects with your core business

Encourage innovation with the right incentives & rewards

Spread the use of practical innovation tools across your organization

Manage innovation with iterative processes and actionable metrics

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Here's how to get started

Business Model Innovation

Defy outmoded business models and design future enterprises. How to create value for your business.

Value Proposition Design

How to create products and services customers want. Avoid time with ideas that won’t work.

Testing Business Ideas

Challenge yourself with rapid experimentation to find your path to scale. Systematically win big with small bets.

Building Invincible Companies

Design a culture of innovation and transformation, with your own portfolio of new ideas and reinventions.

What other people say

Jan-Laurens van der Steen

Program Manager - Holst Centre 

"Insights. In one word, that is what the training with Ton has delivered to me. Highly recommended."

Angelo de Mul

Managing Director - PureBlue Water

"Ton's workshop had a good pace and practical exercises. I'm satisfied. To be recommended to any entrepreneur."


Hi, I'm Ton van der Linden

My mission is to help entrepreneurs build better businesses!

How? By sharing my knowledge about strategic management tools, such as business model innovation and value proposition design.

What else? I'm a well educated expert, excellent trainer, coach & facilitator and an experienced entrepreneur myself.